Schomberg Gallery
10 Proctor Road
Schomberg, Ontario
9am – 4:30pm Monday to Saturday
11am – 4:30pm Sunday

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Add products to your wishlist by clicking on the "Add To Wishlist" link on each product page.

Once you have completed your wishlist, you can use the links found on the right-hand side to:

  • email your selections to yourself
  • email your selections to a friend
  • email your selections to Lloyd's Mennonite Furniture for pricing / availability
  • print a copy of your wishlist
Your wishlist ID is 917315835. You can use this ID to access this selection of products at any time in the future.
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Your Wishlist

Welcome to your wishlist!

Add products to your wishlist by clicking on the "Add To Wishlist" link on each product page.

Once you have completed your wishlist, you can use the links found on the right-hand side to:

  • email your selections to yourself
  • email your selections to a friend
  • email your selections to Lloyd's Mennonite Furniture for pricing / availability
  • print a copy of your wishlist

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